June 12-28 2015: The Comfort of Gravity - Ebony Truscott
Ebony Truscott, Self-inflating mattress, paper, rock and inhaler, 2014, oil on linen, 72 x 56 cm
Ebony Truscott
The Comfort of Gravity
12 to 28 June 2015
Opening night Friday 12 June 6pm-8pm
Ebony Truscott depicts objects alluding to the human senses in these still life paintings from the last three years.
There is a stillness and clarity to her descriptions which comes from extended observation and a disciplined drawing practice. Truscott makes measured preliminary drawings and manipulates the lighting of her arrangements carefully.
Her compositions include homely and strange objects; an asthma inhaler, a self inflating mattress, foam earplugs, the plastic model of a hand. Despite Truscott's off-beat groupings there is an over-arching sense that these are very personal works. Themes of rest and quietude are salient, as suggested in the exhibition's title.
artist CV
exhibition essay poster
Ebony Truscott, Glass, metal and paper with cassettes, 2015, oil on canvas, 77 x 62 cm
Mr Kitly
381 Sydney Road, Brunswick
Melbourne VIC 3056
(03) 90787357