Blackwood Tokonoma Series No. 02 - Pegs Marlow

Blackwood Tokonoma Series No. 02 - Pegs Marlow
Friday 27 May - Thursday June 16 2022

Terracotta cut-ups

This series was made during a short burst of creativity in one of Melbourne’s lockdowns of 2021. Handbuilt using slabs and coils, they are a sort of collage in clay: cut-ups. Working on multiple pieces at once, I chopped and sliced, moving sections from one to another until each piece felt “right”. I see each one as being an individual character. More playful and sculptural than a lot of my functional ware.
- Pegs Marlow

Blackwood Tokonoma Series @ Mr Kitly

The Blackwood Tokonoma is a curated installation space at the top of the stairs on entry to Mr Kitly. The wall is native Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon) timber, with the niche inspired by the concept of tokonoma.  A tokonoma is a recessed space in a reception room, “—the place of honour in a Japanese room where paintings and flowers are placed for the edification of the guests” (Kakuzo Okakura. “The Book of Tea.”)


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Blackwood Tokonoma Series No. 01 - Kirsten Perry

Banksia Integrifolia