Blackwood Tokonoma Series No. 01 - Kirsten Perry


Blackwood Tokonoma Series No. 01 - Kirsten Perry
Friday March 18 - Thursday April 14 2022

During lockdowns I wandered my neighbourhood with my dog Fünf admiring gardens and picking little flowers or plant stems to propagate. I also decided to start treating myself to a weekly bunch of flowers from my local market to help lift my spirits. Vases for short stemmed blooms or single long stemmed flowers was what I needed. It inspired these short, wide, wonky stemmed vases that also allowed for you to see your tea time visitor across the table when it was ok to do so. Tea, flowers and cake with a friend.
- Kirsten Perry

Blackwood Tokonoma Series @ Mr Kitly

The Blackwood Tokonoma is a curated installation space at the top of the stairs on entry to Mr Kitly. The wall is native Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon) timber, with the niche inspired by the concept of tokonoma.  A tokonoma is a recessed space in a reception room, “—the place of honour in a Japanese room where paintings and flowers are placed for the edification of the guests” (Kakuzo Okakura. “The Book of Tea.”)

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Banksia Integrifolia

Rework 02 – Reflect

Blackwood Tokonoma Series No. 02 - Pegs Marlow