What have you been up to in lockdown #15 Valerie Restarick

I find the raku firing process thrilling. We use half a dozen old metal rubbish bins in the small yard behind my studio in Carlton North. Good metal bins are increasingly hard to find and I've been known to souvenir any I come across. After bisque firing and glazing the pieces, they're heated to 1,000 degrees celcius in an old electric kiln that I've converted to LPG gas and then moved to the bins and covered with shovel-loads of sawdust which ignites, and nature takes its course. Once it's on fire, we contain the smoke and flame with the bin lids but the process is by its nature hazardous and wild.
Film by Hanna Chetwin
What have you been up to in lockdown is an online collation, a mix tape of sorts, of works, projects, and meanderings by artists whose work Mr Kitly has represented over the years.
Melbourne has been in extended lockdown since March due to corona and is currently under the strictest stay at home laws imposed since the crisis began. We are all staying at home to keep each other safe and reach the other side.
This series is a way to hear about what our Mr Kitly friends and artist community have been up to during lockdown. I miss seeing them all in person and being inspired by what they do. - Bree (Mr Kitly)
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